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[Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 2:54 am
by Dapper Dog
Battle for Bankor
Event Type: Main Story
Participants: Unlimited
Timeslots: Late Evening
Description: The Resistance and CIS with support from the Aznuri and Jedi launch a global effort to strike back at the Empire and keep them busy as they move towards their true objective of taking down or at least crippling the Dictator.
Rules: Each player may choose a support role or a front line role in the conflict. Front Line roles are worth double the points but also bring in risk of harm that will not have time to be healed before the majority of the events kick off.
Support Role: The player make a single non-combat check to support the Resistance/CIS this is a Hard check with a setback for the chaos of battle, rolling a Force Power check may substitute for this skill check and successful activation will grant 1 Contribution point. Then make an Average Resilience check, on a failure suffer 4 strain, which can be reduced by Advantage at a rate of two to one. A Triumph on the non combat skill check adds 1 Contribution point and a Despair means the player suffer 4 strain.
A successful skill or Power check earns them 1 Contribution point.
Front Line Role: The player makes a Combat skill check at Hard with two setbacks due to the chaos of battle, success on this check will earn them 2 Contribution points and a Triumph on this roll adds 2 more points. A Despair on this check means they suffer 3 wounds not able to be soaked. The player can make a Force Power check in an offensive manner, this is a Discipline Check plus Force at a Hard difficulty, otherwise the same as the combat skill check. After they complete this check they make a Daunting Resilience check with a setback or they suffer 10 wounds reduced by soak, on a successful check they take 5 wounds reduced by soak. Triumph reduced the wounds taken by 3 and a Despair increases the wounds taken by 3.
Rewards/Outcome: Points from this will go towards Contribution. This event closes in about 48 hours after day start.
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 2:58 am
by Dapper Dog
Heavy rain adds a setback die to all checks in this thread. Destiny used for the first 15 players.
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 3:36 am
by Daunt
[Committing Force Die, 2 Strain]
Daunt went out to cut as many Imperials as possible. He walked in the open, his lightsabre lit and ready, sizzling amid the curtains of water. Soon, however, he got overwhelmed by crossfire from many angles and got locked behind a barricade. What it led to, however, was thinning defences in other areas as half a battalion went after him...
LE9. Event. Hard Murder. Flip.:
3eP+2eA+1eC+2eD+3eS 2 failures, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph
[Advantage to heal Strain, 2 Points from Triumph]
Daunt, however, was undaunted. He tossed vehicles on them, scrap, grenades, and sowed chaos in their ranks, while seeking covers as he pushed the offensive with his body-in-readiness. In the end, all they could do against the Nightbrother were some smoke smudges on his tribal armour the rain was washing away anyway.
LE9. Event. Resilience.:
5eA+4eD+2eS 2 successes
[All Soaked]
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 4:03 am
by Verse Aura
Under ideal circumstances, Verse would still be in a hospital bed, recovering from yesterday's brutal fight against the High Inquisitor. But there was no time for such luxuries; and even if a doctor was around to tell her it wasn't wise to engage in strenuous activity, Verse wasn't going to listen anyway. As the battle began, she saw an unfamiliar form wading into the fray with a lit lightsaber. Another Jedi padawan come back to the reforming order? The thought gave her strength, and soon Verse joined in as well.
As befitting a Jedi *Knight*, she made her efforts here seem... effortless. Her form was fluid. Flowing. The force guided her every move, each thrust, every parry, flowing into one another like water. It might've been beautiful to witness, but there probably wasn't anyone around free enough of distraction to take it all in.
And she was untouchable. A grenade went off in the background as she flipped over a stormtrooper and slashed him in the back as the camera went into slo-mo mode before speeding up again as an RPG whizzed by, then back to slow-mo as she spun her lightsaber and cut down two troopers in a quick thrust and slice.
Epic battle music might've been heard as well, even.
Battle for Bankor, Lightsaber, DESTINY, DD Flip, Setback, FLOW:
3eP+1eA+2eF+1eC+2eD+1eS 1 success, 3 Light Side
Forgotten Setbacks >.>:
2eS 0 successes, 1 threat
Resilience, daunting, do it right this time.:
4eA+4eD+2eS 1 success, 1 threat
+2 contribution points, -2 strain from threat, +1 strain from Flow
5 damage taken, all of which is soaked.
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 4:03 am
by Jabber
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 4:14 am
by Dove Gray
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 4:18 am
by Jurdak Surt
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 4:19 am
by Ru'ni Wayne
Ru'ni had taken it upon himself to lead his people into battle. He flew beside the Hbanu upon their Swoopwings, despite the weather, the creature he had befriended, Splotch, was eager to fight. His newly acquired cape flapping out behind him, hurriedly dyed and painted in the tribal colours, Ru'ni stood out among the Aznuri as a warleader.
Perhaps that is why the Imperials focused fire on him. For whatever reason, he drew a lot of firepower, and evaded it as best he was able, but eventually it overwhelmed him and blasted him off his mount before he even got a chance to really return fire himself.
He splattered heavily into the mud and crawled away behind the lines to where the wounded were being kept, if not treated.
Thankfully Splotch made a clean getaway though...
D9 BATTLE Frontline. Ranged Heavy. Player Destiny:
3eP+3eD+3eS 0 successes, 3 threat
D9 BATTLE Resilience. GM Destiny:
3eA+3eD+1eC+2eS 2 failures, 1 threat, 1 Despair
0 points, 4 strain, 13 wounds (soaked down to 9)
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 4:20 am
by Vaya Mer'darrow
Vaya had offered protestations of some kind or another that she wasn't
really insurgent material up until past the last moment. She finally allowed herself to be put to work decrypting the signals intelligence that someone had started feeding to a hardened console in a hastily constructed field outpost near Rygor. She had been deeply engrossed for over an hour before she realized, due to shifting conditions, she was doing her work much more front-line-adjacent than she had intended.
(At some point some Jaklu coast hick looked like maybe they were going to ask why she was wearing a silvery tiara in a warzone, but she sent him running with a withering "It's
She got on the commlink to Sacha's squad of sappers, her voice shaking. "Ordo! There's an AT-TE advancing from south-southwest on subsector two-seven-besh, besh as in Bantha. They have a weak point along the ventral axis!" A nearby explosion shook the prefab tent. As someone beside her gave her a Look, she belatedly remembered some of her radio discipline. "Do you copy, Ordo?"
D9LE Valuable Battlefront Facts (Warfare, 4 boost for 4 strain from neural charm, rain setback):
1eP+3eA+4eB+2eD+1eS 2 successes, 6 advantage
ooc: Triumph (one roll) and 2 advantages (both rolls?) to Sacha. 3 boosts to Sacha.
[I have to sleep, will add my actual event rolls later!]
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 4:23 am
by Sacha Ordo
Sacha nodded as she overheard Vaya's words in the chaos. "Copy!" She ran for the walker, going for the weak point Vaya pointed out. She could trust the beskar to make its way through what little armor there was there. It fell, shots going wild into its own side, crushing the troopers near where it collapsed.
D9 LE Battle for Bankor, Lightsaber v. Hard, GM Destiny, 3B from Vaya:
1eP+2eA+3eB+1eC+2eD+3eS 3 successes, 1 threat
+1 Triumph (incl success), +2 Advantage from Vaya, +1 Advantage from sword
Total: 1 Triumph, 4 successes, 2 advantage; 4 points, boost to the next roller
She rolled to the side, barely avoiding being entirely crushed by the walker. It caught her leg, but she was left with only scrapes and bruises. Beskar was a hell of a thing.
D9 LE Battle for Bankor, Resilience v Daunting:
3eA+4eD+2eS 1 failure, 2 threat
Total: 2 failures, 2 threat
Wounds: 5 total
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 4:33 am
by Juri Saizesh
Juri had positioned herself with a forward operating base, at a terminal at a support roll. She was speaking into a comma devise, not caring about the rain or anything else. Cheering the soldiers of the resistance on, sharing stories of great victories on Bankor that would push them forward.
It was what she was best at, a keeper of secret Lore.
LE9 - Battle of Bankor - Support (Intellect 4, Lore 2, +1eB CIS Listening Post +4eB Neural Charm, Destiny Flip, Hard Difficulty, +1eS Chaos, +1eS Weather, Secret Lore reduces to Average, -1eS Secret Lore, -1eS Outdoorsman, Dapper Flip:
3eP+1eA+5eB+1eC+1eD 2 successes, 5 advantage
1 point, two boosts to my resilience check
LE9 - Battle of Bankor - Dodging Fire (Brawn 2, Resilience 0, Average Difficulty, +1eS Rain, -1eS Outdoorsman):
2eA+2eD 2 successes, 1 threat
Forgotten Boosts from my first roll:
2eB 1 success
no damage
Outcome: 1 Contribution Point
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 4:38 am
by Sinnya
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 4:39 am
by Bowze Coppa
Rain poured all over his cloak as the general observed an entrenched position held by a garrison of stormtroopers.
''The way I see it I do not think we will be able to proceed without taking that strongpoint.'' he muttered to the few around him, mostly his retinue of ten V-2 battle droids.
''Question'' the V-2 designed 'Ace', the unit's sergeant, began
''Could a way...all things being considered a bunker?''
Bowze looked at him not sure what to reply but the rest of the droids seemed vibrate in anticipation of the answer
''Yes?'' Bowze ventured as the droids were now positively quaking
''And we are going to assault it?'' Ace asked with a squeak in his vocal transmission
''Yes, manoeuvre A:F-04 will be used here'' the nemoidan replied, not sure if he should have brought untested Battle Droids.
''ROGER ROGER!'' the unit cheered in unison as they charged the position, guns blazing
Battle of Bankor, NC-Knowledge Warfare, flip, ready for anything, setback for the weather, CIS boost, speak binary:
1eA+3eP+2eB+3eD+1eS 2 successes, 1 advantage
Battle of Bankor, resilience, Dapper upgrade, rain, CIs intel:
2eA+1eD+1eC+1eB+1eS 2 successes
Bowze: 1 point
Total yet: 15 points
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 5:07 am
by Zerras Blume
Zerras wanted to fight. She couldn't stand beside her Master, but she could stand with the Resistance. The battlefield was chaotic and almost overwhelming. But, the Force was with her.
- - -
[Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event), Lightsaber, Hard + 2 Setback, Destiny Flip (Player & GM), Rain, rerolled without Suspicion because I can't read:
3eP+1eC+2eD+3eS 3 successes, 5 threat, 1 Triumph
[Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event), Resilience Daunting + Setback, Rain, Rerolled without Suspicion because I can't read:
2eA+1eP+4eD+2eS 2 successes, 5 threat, 1 Triumph
4 points
0 wounds taken
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 5:49 am
by Xanna Teevou
In the chaos of battle Xanna focused on guiding the Resistance fighters as best she could. Although she was not on the front lines she came face to face with an Imperial officer who had been cut off from his squad. The man suffered a very nasty headache which rapidly left him unconscious and Xanna wondering if she had made the right call. Well, it was that or the lightsaber.
She quickly recovered her composure and moved onward with her squad.
Day 9. LE. Battle of Bankor. Support roll. Influence Force power check.:
2eF 2 Dark Side
Destiny flipped to take 1 strain and 1 conflict for a LS pip to activate the power.
+1 Contribution point.
Day 9. LE. Battle of Bankor. Average Resilience.:
3eA+2eD+1eS 0 successes, 2 advantage
Upgrade on Resilience (replace first purple):
1eC 1 failure
1 failure, 3 advantage
3 strain taken.
Day 9. LE. Battle of Bankor. Strain recovery. Cool.:
2eP+1eA 4 successes, 1 advantage
Total = 1 Contribution point, 1 conflict, 0 strain.
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 5:55 am
by Jenna Karath
Rain blurried the work, but a thermal coat tossed over her shoulders kept her in the dry enough for it not to matter. It was delicate work, what she was doing, after all. Huddled up against the door she could feel her fingers ache as she knocked off the keypad, pulling it out from the wall into the dry alcove for the door. Pressed up against the wall she leaned into it with her shoulder, and her thoughts went to some of her family, to Petrus.. where he was in this mess she couldn't know, Xanna, everyone.. Poule.. she shook her head and concentrated.
Pulling up a small pocket knife she cut a few wires at the back, laborious effort but she'd taken the time to figure out the right ones first, cut second. Then it was only a matter of bringing them together with a
spark. Sizzle. Jenna pulled her hand away from the wires and shook it off, just a distraction for the moment. Blaster fire could be heard in the background, rebels sat nearby waiting..
The door opened. Falling against the wall she got herself out of the way as the rebels rushed in, claiming all of the goods inside and rushing off to their respective tasks. Off toward the battle, where they would all fight and a good many of them would probably die.
"Good luck out there," she said, watching the first of them go as others yet still rushed in. "Everyone," she said, her thoughts drifting.
This scene would repeat itself, as many times as she could, until she was needed elsewhere.
Day 9, LE | Battle for Bankor: Skullduggery @ Hard, Thermal Cloak, Bypass Security, GM Destiny:
2eP+1eA+1eC+2eD 4 successes, 2 threat
Day 9, LE | Battle for Bankor: Skulldugger @ Hard, Forgotten Boost, CIS Intel:
1eB 1 success
Day 9, LE | Battle for Bankor: Resilience @ Average, Thermal Cloak, Setback Previous Roll:
2eA+2eD+1eS 1 success, 1 threat
Total: 1 Contribution Point
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 5:56 am
by Fathynyu Kurrek
Floats launches an attack on the Imperial fleet (yes, they absolutely have one, it's a secret fleet that was buried in ice for 30+years).
Things go far from swimmingly as heavy fire destroys several of the rebel vessels and the Nautolan takes some hits from sharpnel when an old barge next to her boat violently detonates.
However, that does give her an idea and a rebel fire ship is launched directly towards the Imperial tanker. Despite heavy fire it hits its target square the resulting explosion greatly hampers the imps.
Day 9 Battle for Bankor, Lightsaber, hard, upgrade from dapper:
2eP+2eA+1eC+2eD+3eS 1 failure, 2 threat, 1 Triumph
Still, she does have more than a few metal splinters to pick out of her skin.
Day 9 Battle for Bankor, daunting resilience:
4eA+4eD 0 successes, 1 advantage
(( 2 contribution points from the triumph, suffers 10 wounds before soak from failed resilience roll))
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 5:59 am
by Petrus Karath
Petrus moved forward through the rain. His lightsaber cut through the darkness...
... but unfortunately not much else.
Petrus grimaced as he struggled, slipping in the mud. He managed to avoid getting shot, deflecting the odd shot here and there, but he couldn't move quickly enough to close with any enemy forces. In the end, he made little difference to the fight.
Battle For Bankor, front line, lightsaber, thermal cloak:
2eP+2eA+3eD+2eS 0 successes, 2 threat
Battle For Bankor, front line, resilience, thermal cloak, Dapper Destiny, setback first roll:
4eA+1eC+3eD+2eS 4 successes, 4 threat
No points, no wounds (after soak). Nothing happens!!!
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 6:42 am
by Elaranu
As everyone fought, Ela found herself on recon duty. A combination of ship sensors and coded communications did the rest.
Day 9, LE, Battle, noncombat, person 17, hard piloting (space) check, setback from weather, setback from chaos, point flip:
3eP+1eA+3eD+2eS 1 success, 1 advantage
Day 9, LE, Battle, noncombat, person 17, average Resilience, setback for weather:
2eA+2eD+1eS 1 success, 2 threat
+1 contribution point, 0 strain.
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 8:12 am
by Astin Denive
More rain? He was going to have to wax his speeder again if this stuff didn't let up soon. The young man sped around the battle field on a speeder, avoiding the thick of the battle where he could and picking up the wounded to bring to the medical stations. It wasn't the most celebrated work there was, most would prefer to be on the front lines after all. It needed to be done though.
All ws going well, until a stray blaster bolt got him in the helmet, pushin it off and leaving him a little dazed. He was back to it in moments though, it was no time to stop after all.
day 9 LE Battle for BAnkor Support Roll, Piloting Planetary, Boost from CIS, Ssetback from weather, hard with one set, -1 setback from talent:
3eP+1eB+3eD+1eS 2 successes, 2 advantage
D9 LE, Battle for Bankor Resilence at average with a setback:
2eA+2eD+1eS 1 failure, 2 threat
1 Contribution point, 4 Strain
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 8:15 am
by Djanik
Djanik headed out before the squadron, - the initial push had to be convincing, and Nora knew he was out there.
So he had to be visible. And visible he was.
The Zero Dawn roared through the spires of the industrial distract, engines shattering windows in factories as he ripped overhead with the throttle wide open, anti-air missiles howling after him as he led them a merry chase, jinking and weaving between smokestacks and corporate high rises.
With his music
pounding in his ears, he worked the sticks like he were just another part of the machine - purpose built to sit in the chair and guide the beast that bore his colors - white and red, like a rising sun, now emblazoned with a snarling wolf head, just beside the cockpit canopy.
As the battle raged below, he drew away Imperial Air support, called out hard points, and marked targets for the advancing ground units - what to avoid or encircle. This was the best life, free to focus on nothing more than the next turn, the next heart stopping twist of his craft, weaving among the rain and the steel, like a hunting bird, fresh from hell.
It wasn't much, but it was his part... and he had another role to play before long.
As the battle reached fever pitch, he pivoted his craft, sending it roaring up over Rygor, skirting the max range of the Dictator's guns, never quite entering the kill box, and then soared up, leaving the atmosphere, carried by two glowing engines, roaring red-hot as they raced toward their rendezvous with the squadron.
(1 contribution, no strain)
Battle for Bankor, Piloting/Space, boost from hat+data, GM destiny,:
2eP+2eA+2eB+1eC+2eD+1eS 2 successes, 1 advantage
missing setback for rain:
1eS 1 failure
Battle for Bankor, resilience, average, intel boost, rain setback:
2eA+1eB+2eD+1eS 2 successes, 1 threat
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 3:09 pm
by Qareme Torth
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:19 pm
by Vaya Mer'darrow
Vaya continued to slog throughout the battle, not through mud as much as through code. Although given the shifting front line, she had to do plenty of slogging through mud, also, which she handled with little patience but more fortitude than she would have predicted.
Despite her
highly applicable experience running translation algorithms on ancient texts, she fell behind the Imperial codemakers, save for one flash of brilliance where she managed to give a dug-in resistance platoon advanced notice of a bombing run, allowing them to pull out in time.
D9LE Signals Intelligence (Hard Computers with 2 setback, 1 setback and 1 difficulty removed with codebreaker, other setback removed with cloak, boost from CIS, PC flip):
2eP+2eA+1eB+2eD 0 successes, 1 Triumph
D9LE Mud Jumping (Average resilience, setback removed /w cloak):
2eA+2eD 2 successes, 2 threat
ooc: 1 contribution point, 2 threat? I think that's a setback to the next person, sorry!
D9LE strain recovery (cool):
2eA 1 success
Net 3 strain (assuming I used the threat correctly).
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:31 pm
by Rannek Nire
Re: [Day 9 - LE] Battle for Bankor (Contribution Event)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:54 pm
by Ria'la Tu'roth
Ria'la had comms duty. Not like he was anything close to a back-up fighter never mind a front line fighter. Today though even the comms were giving trouble. Whether it was faulty equipment, jamming or just the effects of the weather, things were proving very difficult to get through. It was beyond his slicing skills to put this right at present. Message needed to get to the Resistance troops to prevent being outmanoeuvred. He needed to be closer.
The armed troops supporting his mobile comms post did not agree. He tried to persuade them, but they had orders to stay put. He tried to convince them that those orders had some leeway . . . and almost got through but a turbolaser shot blasting up earth in front of them gave them backbone to resist. In total exasperation he threw his hands up and said . . .
"We have to get the messages through, we have to. We need to go closer I tell you. Closer!"
They still wavered and kept to their orders, as another crackle of comms came partially through.
"Damnit do I have to do to you what I did to Rayne to make you see sense?" He was ready to pull hair out.
The lead Resistance fighter stopped, stared open mouthed and then said. "Well yes, if you do that later then I'll take you wherever you damn like blondie."
He'd meant spend hours persuading them to rally to the cause. They thought he meant the other things he did with Rayne. He didn't care as it got the post moved closer to the fighting and interference cleared allowing messages through.
Battle of Bankor Support: Charm, Destiny flip:
1eA+3eP+3eD+3eS 0 successes, 1 threat, 1 Triumph
1 Contribution for the Triumph. 1 Strain taken.
Battle of Bankor Support: Resilience:
2eA+2eD+1eS 1 success, 1 advantage
Success, heal the 1 Strain taken above.