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Day 9 (February 19th through February 22nd)

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 3:21 am
by Dapper Dog

Rainy Season: Actions in the outdoors during the rains in Rygor and Desert regions suffer a setback due to the constant rains and slick mud, this also grants a boost die Stealth rolls when outdoors. Suspicion will not count to Events on Day 9, it's open Rebellion folks!

Bankor: The Rygor region is at about 28 degrees C by late afternoon with rains all day until the Late Night hours to balance the watery humours please consume hearty spirits; a cloudy rain storms though the desert is at about 33 degrees C, in the Jaklu region is about 25 degrees C and it is cloudy through the afternoon hours and evening hours. The Sky Tree Sea is a balmy of 34 C and very humid. King's Land is 25 C and clear with light rain in the night slots once again. Balance them humours or they will balance you.


Battle for Bankor - LE
Joint Operations in the Dark - EN
Tune to the Right Station - EN
All Tied Up - EN
The Dictator - MN
The Darkest Hour - MN

Rumors and Whispers

Vandil is on top, the Disciple is no more.

Can the CIS and Resistance work together?

I got a bad feeling about this.

Stay indoors man, something big is going down.

Glad Yusandr gave Djanik time to cool off and reinstated him as flight commander... he's a good leader. Bit weird, but good leader,

Re: Day 9 (February 19th through February 22nd)

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 3:21 pm
by Dapper Dog
Bounties have skipped town or gone to ground on Day 9 beyond.

Re: Day 9 (February 19th through February 22nd)

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 2:40 am
by Dapper Dog
Good Job - Late Night on Day 9 - viewtopic.php?f=78&t=919