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A little of this, maybe that. (Day 5 Early Evening)
Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 10:42 pm
by Astin Denive
The resistance meeting had been quickly shoved from Astin's mind after his departure from it. Weeks ago he had come to terms with the fact that it was never going to be quite what he wanted it to be.
Not that the circumstances meant he couldn't help, he just needed to keep it in mind. Strolling through the golden markets, he picked up various odds and ends. Tinkering was something he had mostly done as a kid but it seemed like it was time to pick it up again.
((Purchasing 50 credits of crafting materials))
Re: A little of this, maybe that. (Day 5 Early Evening)
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 11:44 am
by Venator Praedae
Venator returns to the Golden Market to look at potential weapon upgrades or maybe a new set of armour. He passes by another gentleman who seems to be doing the same and tips his helmet. "Even'n dere pardner."
Re: A little of this, maybe that. (Day 5 Early Evening)
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 9:50 pm
by Astin Denive
Tipping your helmet to someone was certainly an odd behavior, at least in Astin's mind. But, he'd seen stranger things in this galaxy, offering a brief nod in return he replied. "Evenin."
Re: A little of this, maybe that. (Day 5 Early Evening)
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 11:08 pm
by Venator Praedae
"Ya one of dose medalheads up do some dinker'n? Or jusd look'n da upgrade yer guns or someshin?" Venator asks.
Re: A little of this, maybe that. (Day 5 Early Evening)
Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 12:40 am
by Astin Denive
The man's accent was rather hard to penetrate, but after a few moments he thought he had gotten the gist of what was said. "Tinkering mainly, I don't really do much stuff in the way of gun modding."
"Though I suspect a fellow like you gets up to quite a bit of that."
Re: A little of this, maybe that. (Day 5 Early Evening)
Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:41 am
by Venator Praedae
Venator ended up picking up a couple of stimpacks during his shopping trip. To Astin's question he shakes his head. "Nah, I jusd hund acquisishions. I leave the modd'n do someone more skilled. Venador Praedae's da name. Boundy hunder."
/ 2 Stimpacks purchased
Re: A little of this, maybe that. (Day 5 Early Evening)
Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 9:29 pm
by Astin Denive
"Astin." The young man replied with an easy smile. "Anyone in particular you're going to them?" He asked as he looked over a few more odds and ends.
"Or is that something you are having trouble finding?"
Re: A little of this, maybe that. (Day 5 Early Evening)
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 11:46 am
by Venator Praedae
"All of dem." Venator answers. "Always look'n do upgrade my gear. If ya mean acquisishions, somedimes id jusd dakes dime."
Re: A little of this, maybe that. (Day 5 Early Evening)
Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:16 am
by Astin Denive
So he got work done from anyone he could then, or so it seemed. "Sounds reasonable enough to me. Not like you have the same people on every planet, and I figure bounty hunters move around quite a bit."
Re: A little of this, maybe that. (Day 5 Early Evening)
Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:43 am
by Venator Praedae
Venator nods. "I go where da work is. Somedimes ya pick a place clean, ids dime to mosey on."
Re: A little of this, maybe that. (Day 5 Early Evening)
Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 8:02 am
by Astin Denive
"Plenty of work here then, though?" Astin asked with a raised eyebrow. Bounties weren't something he particularly worried about and he was a bit curious.
Re: A little of this, maybe that. (Day 5 Early Evening)
Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:15 am
by Venator Praedae
Venator nods. "Dis place is purdy hod. Loads o' people wid credids and power are rar'n do sdep on some does. Plus id seems like de Imps wanna ged everydh'n under dere dhumb."