And then, the show began...
"Previously, on Warrior's Heart..." the narrator was an older man, rough and weathered.
Monitors beeped, the Caamasi woman was lying in a hospital bed. Jaina was there, holding her hand.
"Thank goodness you're awake, Aaliq. Are you okay?" Aaliq (apparently) shook her head, her eyes widening.
"I don't know. I can't remember... I can't remember anything!"
Warrior's Heart wrote:The Caamasi, Aaliq, wandered the grounds. There were warriors training, here and there, dressed in a variety of outfits, and using a variety of exotic-looking edged weapons, as well as modern blasters.
The man who'd pushed her, Elgin, walked with her, his expression concerned, but his eyes as cold as ever. "Do you remember anything, Aaliq?" The Caamasi shook her head.
"No... the doctor said that I may never regain my memory... wait." She walked over to the corner of the hanger, her hands shaking.
I... I fell here, didn't I?
The cold blue eyes narrowed...
Warrior's Heart wrote:Dacen had fought through, with blade and blaster, and still no shirt, defeating all the enemies in the enemy fortress. Blood had spurted again and again. Now, just ahead, was the man who had trapped him in this oath...
The ferracrete floor suddenly opened up beneath him.
Dacen landed with a grunt. Slowly, he rose to his feet, readying his weapons. His body was tense, his expression serious, eyes wide. As though he sensed danger. Danger announced itself with a roar.
The unmistakable roar of a mega-rancor!
Warrior's Heart wrote:Jaina had pursued her quarry, and found the hidden base where the prisoners were supposed to be held. But a mysterious Mandalorian watched her through the scope of their sniper rifle...
Their finger tightened on the trigger...
Jaina suddenly looked towards the shooter, her eyes wide...
Warrior's Heart
Melancholy string instruments began to play, with the occasional martial horn note, and drums. And the occasional manly grunt.